Health & Wellbeing at R/A – Pastoral Care with Director Neil Rigg

Today we mark #TimeToTalk and wanted to explain to you how amidst providing a safe space to listen, we’re also taking preventative action.
For many students at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire, training is the next step and provides the route towards being a professional performer.
In the professional industry performers are often away on tour or have to work away from home which can constantly bring about social, cultural and emotional challenges. Student life during training can mirror some of these experiences.

The varied Pastoral care we offer helps manage these dynamics and gives strategies to work through them, aiming to equip students with the skills to independently manage their health & wellbeing.
‘By providing pastoral sessions I have found that when students talk through issues, they can often overcome them. All sessions are impartial, and not retention based, dedicated for the individual at that specific time. Student happiness and welfare is our top priority.’ Neil Rigg, Director