Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is a partnership between Stillie Dee and Neil Rigg. 

Our partners are all hands on teachers, coordinators, managers as well as Directors. Each partner is responsible for the company’s teaching strategy, business strategy and the general operation of the college.

Renaissance Arts values its relationships with all the teachers, schools, examiners, charity organisations, companies and associated bodies it works with. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire  is an exciting forward thinking enterprise always looking at new and diverse strategies.

Through its corporate and educational collaboration the college has become the only one of its kind in Europe. The selection of dance studios, theatres and theatrical agencies, examining bodies, dance companies, photographers, costume designers, make-up artists, hair stylists and other companies involved with performing arts massively contribute to our unique identity.

The Partners are willing to engage with any external companies who may mutually benefit by being in association with Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP or its subsidiary companies and welcomes any suitable business or educational propositions. If your company or educational institute would like to discuss an association with us please visit our Contact page.



Renaissance Arts Performing Arts College believes that education is for all students accepted after audition & every student is equally important.


We offer training for those Age 16 – 25 as the type of training we provide has been carefully tailored to suit this age type.  This is not an act of discrimination to those outside of this age limit but more a restriction determined by the type of training we offer.  It would be unfair of Renaissance Arts to impose training on those outside of this age limit as this may cause harm.  

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP Partners Stillie Dee and Martin Howland do offer a junior associate programme “The Scholars” for those aged 11 -16 for younger students which is ran independently to Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP as a separate business. 

We will strive to:

(i) offer access to a full and challenging curriculum to suit each individual.

(ii) encourage an understanding of all cultures;

(iii) view discrimination on the grounds of race, gender or disability as opposed to its aims and take positive action to counter it with British Values at the centre. 


The requirements for equal opportunities are underpinned by law. Colleges are bound by many of the provisions of human rights legislation & the policies of the Leeds City Council.  We aim to abide by the requirements set out by BDQT our accreditor and those educational partners we work with, 


Mr NEIL RIGG Renaissance Arts Director

is responsible for:-

• making sure that the appropriate measures are adopted to enable the college to comply with legal requirements;

  • monitoring the effective application of the Equal Opportunities Policy and procedures to ensure compliance within British Values. 

Directors Martin Howland, Stillie Dee & Neil Rigg

responsible for:-

• Making sure that the Equal Opportunities Policy and its procedures are followed;

• Making sure that the E.O.P is readily available and that self employed faculty/ guest faculty know their responsibilities and are aware of our code of conduct.

• Ensuring parents know their responsibilities in scenarios where a student is under 18.

• Providing information to staff about the policy and how it should be applied within the college.

• Taking appropriate action in cases of discrimination;

• Ensuring students are provided with a broad and balanced vocational based learning which meets the needs of the individual (but not at the expense of other students)

• Providing the measures necessary to achieve the aims of the policy.

  • Providing a visual contact sheet of all students and faculty to staff.

All Staff, Faculty, Guest Teachers, Guests in a seniority role at the college.

Are responsible for:-

• Ensuring that students’ names are spelt correctly and pronounced properly;

• Ensuring that they are familiar with information available on all students in their teaching groups;

• Ensuring that they meet the needs of all students in their lessons;

• Not showing any form of racial or discrimination abuse or ignoring any such behaviour from others (including name-calling, racial, sexist or other hurtful jokes and mimicry, or incitement of others to collaborate in use);

• Ensuring that perpetrators and victims of above are aware that it will not be tolerated;

• Giving a balanced view of different groups, cultures and stereotypes;

• Providing a positive role model for all students;

  • Keeping up to date with legal requirements.


All students are responsible for:-

• Identifying and reporting incidents of discrimination and stereotyping;

  • Promoting equal opportunities and avoiding discrimination against anyone for reasons of gender, race, colour or any other reason.

Appendix 1

Human Rights Act 1998

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (extended and amended 1986) outlaws discrimination on grounds of gender.

Race Relations Act 1976 outlaws discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality or ethnic and national origins.

Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 states even more explicitly that responsibility that all schools have to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination and to promote equality of opportunity. 

The Disability Discrimination Act 1993 outlaws discrimination in the provision of goods and services against those with disabilities.

Safe Working Practices

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP has developed procedures for Codes of Conduct for faculty and sub-contractors to understand and agree in relation to professional conduct with students and provide a faculty/sub contractor handbook.

Health and Safety and risk assessments are carried out by studios at Yorkshire Dance, Northern Ballet and Renaissance Head Conservatoire LLP Head Office in based on the ground floor of the Yorkshire Dance buildings. 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP has fully operational Health and Safety Policy and Procedures. All dance and vocal studios used are based at Yorkshire Dance, Northern Ballet and Leeds University Gym.  These establishments provide Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP with reliant health ans safety policies. 

Faculty and students should report any issue with safe working practice to the Directors who will then report this to the relevant studio.

Record Keeping

All safeguarding and pastoral records are kept centrally and securely by the Directors.  Faculty and sub-contractors are aware that they must report all safeguarding issues to the directors.  Data is kept in accordance to the most recent data protection act.  A copy will be made available on request.

Allegations against Members of Staff

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP recognises that when allegations are made regarding behaviour by Staff/Director which may harm a student, clear procedure must be followed.  Bodies must e-mail their complaint in writing and follow our complaints procedure.

Allegations against students

Renaissance Arts recognises that when allegations are made regarding behaviour of a student which may harm a faculty member or Director, clear procedure must be followed.  Faculty must bring this to the attention of the directors and may be required to make a formal complaint in writing or e-mail.


To ensure the smooth operation of the college, to uphold law and procedures required by it’s faculty incidents of the following nature must be recorded and kept but the directors.


All Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP teachers are required to follow our code of conduct.  Each teacher is responsible to be CRB checked and agree to the following terms.

    1. Professional Values and Relationships

Teachers should:

1.1. Be caring, fair and committed to the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care, and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success.

1.2. acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils/ students and promote their holistic development.

1.3. Be committed to equality and inclusion and to respecting and accommodating diversity including those differences arising from gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, ethnicity, membership of the traveller community and socio-economic status, and any further grounds as may be referenced in equality legislation in the future.

1.4. Seek to develop positive relationships with pupils/students, colleagues, college management and others in the college community, that are characterised by professional integrity and judgement.

1.5. Work to establish and maintain a culture of mutual trust and respect in their schools.

2. Professional Integrity

Teachers should:

2.1. Act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work.

2.2. Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the course of professional practice, unless a legal imperative requires disclosure or there is

a legitimate concern for the wellbeing of an individual.

2.3. Represent themselves, their professional status, qualifications and experience honestly.

2.4. Avoid conflict between their professional work and private interests which could reasonably be deemed to impact negatively on pupils/students.

3. Professional Conduct

Teachers should:

3.1. Uphold the reputation and standing of the profession and the reputation of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.

3.2. Take all reasonable steps in relation to the care of pupils/students under their supervision, so as to ensure their safety and welfare

3.3. Work within the framework of relevant legislation and regulations.

3.4. Comply with agreed national and school policies, procedures and guidelines which aim to promote pupil/student education and welfare and child protection.

3.5. Report, where appropriate, incidents or matters which impact on pupil/student welfare.

3.6. Communicate effectively with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, college management and others in the college community in a manner that is professional, collaborative and supportive, and based on trust and respect.

3.7. Private communication such as e-mail, texting and social networking sites is not permitted to ensure protection of both teacher and student. Teacher and student must not share or keep personal contact details or have any un-authorised correspondence whilst enrolled as a student at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.

3.8. Ensure that they do not knowingly access, download or otherwise have in their possession while engaged in school activities, inappropriate materials/images in electronic or other format.

3.9. Ensure that they do not knowingly access, download or otherwise have in their possession, illicit materials/images in electronic or other format.

3.10 Ensure that they do not practise while under the influence of any substance which impairs their fitness to teach.

3.11 Student contact is often required in dance and theatre class in order demonstrate line and correct positioning.  Faculty should be mindful of letting students know about this contact.

4. Professional Practice

Teachers should:

4.1. Maintain high standards of practice in relation to pupil/student learning, planning, monitoring, assessing, reporting and providing feedback

4.2. Apply their knowledge and experience in facilitating pupils’/students’ holistic development.

4.3. Plan and communicate clear, challenging and achievable expectations for pupils/students.

4.4. Create an environment where pupils/ students can become active agents in the learning process and develop lifelong learning skills.

4.5. Respect the vocational and academic learning programme of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP and its partners. 

4.6. Inform their professional judgement and practice by engaging with, and reflecting on, pupil/student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum development, ethical practice, educational policy and relevant legislation.

4.7. In a context of mutual respect, be open and responsive to constructive feedback regarding their practice and, if necessary, seek appropriate support, advice and guidance

4.8. Act in the best interest of pupils/students.

5. Professional Development

Teachers should:

5.1. Take personal responsibility for sustaining and improving the quality of their professional practice by:

• Actively maintaining their professional knowledge and understanding to ensure it is current

• Reflecting on and critically evaluating their professional practice, in light of their professional knowledge base

  • Availing of opportunities for career-long professional development.

6. Professional Collegiality and Collaboration

Teachers should:

6.1. Work with teaching colleagues and student teachers in the interests of sharing, developing and supporting good practice and maintaining the highest quality of educational experiences for pupils/students.

6.2. Work in a collaborative manner with pupils/students, parents/guardians, school management, other members of staff, relevant professionals and the wider school community, as appropriate, in seeking to effectively meet the needs of pupils/students.

6.3. Engage with the planning, implementation and evaluation of curriculum at classroom and FE level activities whilst also supporting the vocational aspect of the conservatoire. 

7. Training

Those teachers requiring further training in any area for development and CPD would be directed to to have a conversation with the Partners.  If the partners refuse to offer further help in providing further training then an official complaint can be made to Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP or there local trade union (such as equity) if they are unhappy with the final decision.  The partners are happy to support reliant CPD where appropriate. 


All teachers/self employed faculty are required to read our procedures manual and in signing the form agree our code of conduct.

Renaissance Arts are happy to share policies and procedures and relevant paperwork in accordance to the data protection act to those enquiring about the legal operation of the college. If you wish to know something in particular about the college then please don’t hesitate to e-mail us.

At Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP we value customer service.  If you have a complaint about our service and would like us to investigate the matter all complaints must be in writing or an email. The Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP complaints policy adheres to customer service guidelines.  We aim to respond to your written letter or e-mails within 10 working days.  On request we are happy to provide a full detailed copy of our complaints procedure.

Address to write to for Complaints

Neil Rigg (Head of customer Services)

Renaissance Arts 

Yorkshire Dance Building

3 St Peters Square



E-mail –   

FTAO Neil Rigg (Head of Customer Service)

Please note that standard queries have a 5 working day response time. 14 working days response for complaints that require investigation.

Information that is gathered from visitors

In common with other websites, log files are stored on the web server saving details such as the visitor’s IP address, browser type, referring page and time of visit.

How the Information is used

The information is used to enhance the vistor’s experience when using the website to display personalised content and possibly advertising.

E-mail addresses will not be sold, rented or leased to 3rd parties.

E-mail may be sent to inform you of news of our services or offers by us or our affiliates.

Visitor Options


The following terms and conditions govern all use of the The Renaissance Arts Website(s) and all content, services and products available at or through the Website. The Website is offered subject to your acceptance without modification of all of the terms and conditions contained herein and all other associated operating rules and policies (including, without limitation, The Renaissance Arts Privacy Policy).

Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the The Renaissance Arts Website. By accessing or using any part of the Website, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the Website or use any services. 

The Website is available only to individuals who are at least 13 years old. If you are not yet 12 years old, you must stop using the Website immediately or else provide Renaissance Arts  with written parental approval.

Our basic products and services are free to both Website owners & individual users. 


A special restriction on a visitor’s license to access the Website applies to all Non-Human Visitors. Non-Human Visitors include, but are not limited to, web spiders, bots, indexers, robots, crawlers, harvesters, or any other computer programs designed to access, read, compile or gather content from the Website automatically.

Email addresses on the The Renaissance Arts website are considered proprietary intellectual property. It is recognized that these email addresses are provided for human visitors alone. You acknowledge and agree that each email address the Website contains has a value not less than £100.00 .Those distrubiting e-mail addresses without consent maye result in a fine. You further agree that the compilation, storage, and/or distribution of these addresses substantially diminishes the value of these addresses. Intentional collection, harvesting, gathering, and/or storing the Website’s email addresses is recognized as a violation of this agreement and expressly prohibited.


You do not claim intellectual property right or exclusive ownership to any of our products or services, whether modified or unmodified. All products and services are the property of Renaissance Arts. Our products and services are provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.   In no event shall our organization (or any business or individual associated with Renaissance Arts) be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential, or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use our products or services.

Responsibility of Contributors.

If you operate a Website, comment on a Website, post material to the Website, post links on the Website, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) material available by means of the Website (any such material, ‘Content’), You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content. That is the case regardless of whether the Content in question constitutes text, graphics, an audio file, computer software or any other type of electronic content. By making Content available, you represent and warrant that:

  1. The downloading, copying and use of the Content will not infringe the proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights, of any third party;
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  7. You have, in the case of Content that includes computer code, accurately categorized and/or described the type, nature, uses and effects of the materials, whether requested to do so by The URDANG Academy or otherwise.

By submitting Content to Renaissance Arts for inclusion on the Website, you grant Renaissance Arts a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content solely for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting your site or Content. If you delete Content and advise Renaissance Arts, Renaissance Arts will use reasonable efforts to remove said Content from the Website (generally within two business days), but you acknowledge that caching and/or other references to the Content may not be made immediately unavailable.

Fees and Payment.

Payments will be charged on the day you sign up for a premium service and will cover the use of that service for a monthly or annual period as indicated. Premium service fees are not refundable.  

All payments for classes are managed by pay-pal and clients should read the terms and agreements held by pay-pal before purchase.

Responsibility of Website Visitors.

Renaissance Arts has not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, posted to the Website, and cannot therefore be responsible for that material’s content, use or effects. By operating the Website, Renaissance Arts does not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that it believes such material to be accurate, useful or non-harmful. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. Any user or site owner who finds content that is offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable, or content containing technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, or other errors has a responsibility to report such Content to Renaissance Arts. In the same way, anyone who discovers Content on the Website that contains material that violates the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes the intellectual property and other proprietary rights, of third parties, or the downloading, copying or use of which is subject to additional terms and conditions, stated or unstated, must report the same to Renaissance Arts. Renaissance Arts disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from the use by visitors of the Website, or from any downloading by those visitors of content there posted.

Content Posted on Other Websites.

We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, made available through the Websites and WebPages to which Renaissance Arts links, and that link to Renaissance Arts. Renaissance Arts does not have any control over those non-Renaissance Arts Websites and WebPages, and is not responsible for their contents or their use. By linking to a non-Renaissance Arts Website or webpage, Renaissance Arts does not represent or imply that it endorses such Website or webpage. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. Renaissance Arts disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from your use of non-Renaissance Arts Websites and WebPages.

Copyright Infringement and DMCA Policy.

As Renaissance Arts asks others to respect its intellectual property rights, it respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or linked to by Renaissance Arts violates your copyright, you are encouraged to notify Renaissance Arts. Renaissance Arts will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. In the case of a visitor who may infringe or repeatedly infringes the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Renaissance Arts or others, Renaissance Arts may, in its discretion, terminate or deny access to and use of the Website. In the case of such termination, Renaissance Arts will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid to Renaissance Arts.

Intellectual Property.

This Agreement does not transfer from Renaissance Arts to you any Renaissance Arts or third party intellectual property, and all right, title and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Renaissance Arts. Renaissance Arts, the Renaissance Arts domain, the Renaissance Arts logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with The Renaissance Arts, or the Website are trademarks or registered trademarks of Renaissance Arts or The Renaissance Arts licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the Website may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of the Website grants you no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any Renaissance Arts or third-party trademarks.


Renaissance Arts reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any part of this Agreement. It is your responsibility to check this Agreement periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to the Website following the posting of any changes to this Agreement constitutes acceptance of those changes. Renaissance Arts may also, in the future, offer new services and/or features through the Website (including, the release of new tools, services and resources). Such new features and/or services shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


Renaissance Arts may terminate your access to all or any part of the Website at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. If you wish to terminate this Agreement or your Renaissance Arts account (if you have one), you may simply discontinue using the Website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you have a VIP, Premium or other Paid Services account, such account can only be terminated by Renaissance Arts if you materially breach this Agreement and fail to cure such breach within thirty (30) days from Renaissance Arts notice to you thereof; provided that, Renaissance Arts can terminate the Website immediately as part of a general shut down of our service or other lawful reason. Additionally, a paid account may be temporarily terminated pending a determination of the facts relating to a possible breach of this Agreement. Upon termination, all provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.

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The materials on Renaissance Arts Website are provided ‘as is’. Renaissance Arts makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Renaissance Arts does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its Internet Website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

General Representation and Warranty.

You represent and warrant that (i) your use of the Website will be in strict accordance with the Renaissance Arts  Privacy Policy, with this Agreement and with all applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation any local laws or regulations in your country, state, city, or other governmental area, regarding online conduct and acceptable content, and including all applicable laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from the country in which you reside) and (ii) your use of the Website will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Renaissance Arts, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys fees, arising out of your use of the Website, including but not limited to out of your violation of this Agreement.


Each party agrees that any suit, action or proceeding brought by such party against the other in connection with or arising from the Terms of Service (“Judicial Action”) shall be governed by the law of the state of residence of the registered Administrative Contact (the “Admin State”) for the Website as such laws are applied to agreements between Admin State residents entered into and performed entirely within the Admin State. You consent to the jurisdiction of federal and state courts within the Admin State. You consent to the venue in any action brought against him in connection with breaches of these Terms of Service. You consent to electronic service of process regarding actions under the above agreement.


You consent to having your Internet Protocol address recorded. An email address may appear immediately below (the “Identifier”) if we suspect potential abuse. The Identifier is uniquely matched to your Internet Protocol address. Visitors agree not to use this address for any reason.


Site Terms of Use Modifications

Renaissance Arts may revise these Terms of Use for its Website at any time without notice. By using this Website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Diversity and inclusion statement.

Individuals with different cultures, perspectives and experiences are at the heart of the way in which Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP operates. 

We want to develop talented students, regardless of their background, enhancing talents with industry professional training. At Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP we are guided by the values and principles that we have set out in our policies and procedures.  

We recognise that being a college that works with self employed faculty that inclusivity and diversity must be a college priority. 

We seek to develop a work environment where we treat Students, Faculty and Associates as individuals.  

Renaissance Arts consistently work with spirit and the practice of the Equality Act 2010.  Promoting a culture of respect and dignity, actively challenging discrimination of any kind. We champion our faculty seeking opportunities in the performance industry and in Equality and Diversity training. 

We continue to support our leaders, faculty members and students in facilitating principles of diversity and inclusion in everyday training.  

Diversity and inclusion statement


This policy sets out the approach to Equality and Diversity of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.  

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is committed to promoting equality and diversity, promoting a culture that actively values difference and recognises that people from different backgrounds and experiences can bring valuable insights to the college and enhance the community presence of the college. 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP aim to be an inclusive organisation, committed to providing equal opportunities to faculty members and students and embracing British Values. 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP pro-actively tackle any sort of discrimination. In an industry in which companies are looking for very specific people for certain roles, Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP embrace and promotes E & D policies and British Values.

Equality and diversity at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP consider that equality means breaking down barriers, eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities in all services.

We continue to celebrate differences and valuing everyone. In the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP each person is an individual with visible and non-visible difference and by respecting this everyone can feel valued for their contributions.  

This is beneficial not only to the individual but for Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP too.

We acknowledge that equality and diversity is not interchangeable but inter-dependant.  There can be no equality of opportunity if difference is not valued and harnessed. 


The obligations set out in this policy apply equally to all faculty, whether fixed contract or part time as a guest teacher to the college.  And also to associated persons such as admin, agency staff, contractors under any contract of service.  

Those associated with Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP have a personal responsibility for the application of this policy.  Faculty are expected to read and familiarise themselves with this policy and the associated handbook to ensure that this policy is properly observed and fully complied with.  

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP commitment.

Every faculty member and student is entitled to a working environment that promotes dignity, equality and respect.  Renaissance Arts will not tolerate any acts of unlawful or unfair discrimination (including harassment) committed against faculty, student, director, admin or any member within the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP company because of characteristic. 


•Gender Reassignment;

•Marriage or Civil Partnership;

•Pregnancy and maternity;

•Race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin);


•Mental Illness;

•Sexual Orientation 

•Religion and or belief; and


Discrimination on basis of work pattern (part time work, fixed contract, flexible working.) which is unjustifiable and not tolerated. 

All faculty, students and team members are encouraged to develop their skills and fulfil their potential.

No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.  If you believe that you may have suffered discrimination because of any of the pre-mentioned characteristics you should consider the feasibility of attempted resolution by discussion in the first instance with Neil Rigg (Designated E and D manager and Safeguarding officer) or a Director/Partner/Team Member. 

Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with appropriate procedure.  Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will ensure individuals who make such allegations in good faith will not be victimised or treated less favourably by Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP as a result.  

However, false allegations of a breach of this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith will be dealt with under Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP disciplinary procedures. 

Directors and Faculty may also be personally liable for any acts of discrimination prohibited by this policy that they commit, meaning that they can be sued by the victim. 

When does this policy apply?

This policy applies in all college conduct inside college premises or on college outings or visits related to college activity.  Any (Meetings, social events, theatre visits, shows or college event) or which damage the reputation of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.  Social Media views of expression are also included and not limited to in this policy.  Students, faculty and those linked to Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP  should consider this policy when posting about Renaissance Arts.  


Below are some specific areas of application:- 


Selection for faculty at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will be on the basis of professional status, attitude and ability.  Faculty and guest teachers are screened in reference to their educational experience and professional show work.  Ethical and Cultural demographics are observed during this process. 

Promotion and advertising

All promotion decisions will be made on the basis of merit and in accordance with branding guide.  Promotional material will not be influenced by the protected characteristics above.

Renaissance Arts Legal Duties

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is additionally subject to public sector equality duties under the equality Act 2010. The policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis by Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP to asses its effectiveness and may be amended from time to time. 

This policy has been reviewed and renewed in January 2024.

Students are also required to sign an additional individual E & D agreement with the conservatoire during E and D talks. 

Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Policy 2022 (updated and reviewed Jan 2024.)

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors and promoting a climate where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns which they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others. 

We aim to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by protecting them from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

  1. Introduction
  1. Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play ensuring children and young people are safe from abuse, exploitation and harm. Our conservatoire is committed to safeguarding children and aims to create a culture of vigilance.
  1. Our pupils’ welfare is our paramount concern. The governing body will ensure that our conservatoire will safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils and work together with required agencies to ensure that our conservatoire has adequate arrangements to identify, assess and support those children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm.
  2. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is an educational and indutry community, and all those directly connected – faculty, staff members, parents, families and pupils – have an essential role to play in making it safe and secure for all.

2. Our Ethos

  1. We believe that Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical, mental and moral development of the individual child; enabling all children to thrive.
  1. We recognise the importance of providing an environment within our conservatoire that will help children feel safe and respected. We are aware of the importance of enabling students to talk openly and to feel confident that they will be listened to. We appreciate that both mental and physical health are relevant to safeguarding and the welfare of students.
  1. We recognise that all adults within the school, including permanent, supply faculty, temporary workers, volunteers and parents have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm.

2.4 We will work with parents and guardians to build a solid understanding of Renaissance Arts’s Conservatoire LLP responsibilities to ensure the welfare of all children/young people, including the need for referrals to other agencies in some situations. This means:

  • Protecting student from maltreatment.
  • Preventing impairment of student’s health or development.
  • Ensuring that students work in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • Taking action to enable all children/young people to have the best-outcomes.
  • Due regard will be given to issues of race, religion, culture, language, gender, sexual orientation and disability in all child protection work.

2.5 Renaissance Arts will fulfil its commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by:

  • Ensuring there is Partner/Director commitment.
  • Having clear lines of accountability and structures.
  • Supporting a culture that enables safeguarding issues and promotion of children’s welfare to be addressed, and ensuring that accurate records with
    regard to actions and decisions are made.
  • Ensuring all Faculty are appropriately trained in safeguarding children where required.

2.6 Renaissance Arts aims to:

  • Establish and maintain an ethos where children/young people feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to
  • Ensure that children/young people know that there are adults in the conservatoire who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty.
  • Include in the curriculum, material which will help children young people develop realistic attitudes to the responsibilities of adult life, particularly with life skills.
  • Work with external governing bodies including and not limited to BTEC and ISTD to meet their requirements.
  • Ensure that wherever possible every effort will be made to establish effective working relationships with parents and colleagues from other agencies.
  • Ensure that we comply with all statutory guidance relating to the Prevent Duty.
  • Ensure that staff understand their duty to safeguard students against Female Genital Mutilation (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018).

3. Scope

3.1  In line with the law, this policy defines a child as anyone under the age of 18 years, but in the case of SEN it is up to 25 years of age.

3.2  This policy applies to all members of staff in our school, including all permanent, faculty, temporary and support staff, governors, volunteers, contractors and external service or activity providers.

3.3  This policy applies to all learners at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP

4. The Legal Framework.

4.1  Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 places a duty on governing bodies of maintained schools and further education institutions (including sixth-form colleges) to make arrangements for ensuring that their functions relating to the conduct of the school are exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children/young people who are pupils at the school.  Section 157 of the same Act places a similar duty on non-maintained and independent schools, including free schools and academies.

4.2  Under section 10 of the Children Act 2004, all maintained schools, further education colleges and independent schools, including free schools and academies, are required to co-operate with the local authority to improve the well-being of children in the local authority area.

4.3  Under section 14B of the Children Act 2004, the Local Safeguarding Children Board can require a school or further education institution to supply information in order to perform its functions. This must be complied with.

4.4  This policy has been developed in accordance with the following statutory guidance and local safeguarding procedures:

Working Together to Safeguard Children: A Guide to Inter-Agency Working to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children, July 2018

Keeping Children Safe in Education: Statutory Guidance for Schools andColleges, September 2020.

4.5 This policy should be considered alongside other related conservatoire policies. These include and are not exclusive to.

  • Health and Safety
  • Whistleblowing
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Prevent
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Code Of Conduct.

5. Working Together

5.1  Whilst local authorities play a lead role, safeguarding children and protecting them from harm is everyone’s responsibility. “Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play” – Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.

5.2  All faculty, sub-contractors and members of the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP should be made aware of the key staff to speak to in relation to safeguarding concerns. Children know to tell an adult, and information is then passed on to the relevant body.

5.3  Where it is believed that a child is suffering from, or is at risk of, significant harm, we will follow the procedures set out in the Leeds City Council guidelines. The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or Safeguarding Officer will contact Safeguarding Referral Team to discuss the concern and get advice about next steps. In an emergency the DSL or Safeguarding Officer will contact the police on 0113 397 0640.

5.4  Where the level of concern does not identify a child protection issue, but where safeguarding concerns are identified, the DSL or Safeguarding Officer will contact the Safeguarding Children in Education team 0113 378 9685 for advice.

5.5  Early Help and Prevention – Identification of the need for early help and support for children and families is vital. The Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP team via the DSL are aware of where they can signpost or refer parents for Family Support for early help and support with a variety of issues including: housing, finances, relationship issues and managing children’s behaviour.

5.6  Faculty are employed with a view they are trained to identify children and young people who show signs of needing support with their emotional well-being and mental health. These concerns would be discussed with a Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP partners then potentially parents, where appropriate, the child would be referred for educational support which may be in the form of pastoral care. 

5.7  Faculty and team members have a duty to be informed about safeguarding procedures and are required to keep up to date with all changes in safeguarding legislation and procedures. All faculty and those in the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP team are aware of possible indicators for different forms of abuse and neglect and the signs and symptoms. 

Faculty are made aware of safeguarding and pastoral leads at the Conservatoire.

5.8  Renaissance Arts will ensure that other adults in school know to consult
with the Head/DSL where there are safeguarding or child protection concerns this is ensured through initial discussions or via the faculty/contractors handbook.

5.9  Parents of students in the school can be informed of the school’s duties and responsibilities in relation to Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures by access to the Safeguarding Children Policy, which is available on request or by visiting

5.10  Pupil Information – We recognise the importance of keeping up-to-date and accurate information about pupils. We will regularly ask all parents/carers to provide us with the following information and to notify us of any changes that occur:

Names and contact details of persons with whom the student normally lives

Names and contact details of all persons with parental responsibility

Emergency contact details

Name and contact detail of G.P.

Any other factors which may impact on the safety and welfare of the child.

5.11 Confidentiality – Information about pupils given to us by the children themselves, their parents or carers, or by other agencies will remain confidential. Faculty and co workers will be given relevant information only on a “need to know” basis in order to support the child/young adult if that is necessary and appropriate. We are, however, under a duty to share any information which is of a child protection nature.

We understand that this is in the best interests of the child and overrides any other duties we have regarding confidentiality and information sharing. We have a duty to keep any records which relate to child protection work undertaken by us or our partner agencies and to ensure that these are kept apart from the main pupil record, stored securely and only accessible to key members of staff. We also have a duty to send copies of these records to any school or educational establishment to which the pupil transfers if deemed required.

6. Specific Issues and Vulnerabilities

6.1  Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child/young person. A child/young person is abused or neglected when harm is inflicted on them or when there is failure to prevent harm by their carer.  Abuse of a child/young person can occur in the family or in an institution or community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by others, e.g. via the internet. They can be abused by an adult or adults, or by a child or children. There are four categories of abuse (Working Together to Safeguard Children, HM Gov 2018).

6.2  Physical Abuse – Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child/young person. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child/young person. Harm can also occur due to practices linked to faith and culture, e.g. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

6.3  Emotional Abuse – Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child/young person such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child/young person’s emotional development.  It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child the opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or “making fun” of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children.

These may include interactions that are beyond a child’s developmental capacity, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including cyber bullying), causing children/young people frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children/ young people. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child/young person, though it may occur alone.

6.4  Sexual Abuse – Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetrative (e.g. rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing.

They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males; women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.

6.5  Neglect – Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child/young person’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child/young person’s development.Neglect may occur during pregnancy (e.g. as a result of maternal substance abuse, maternal mental ill health or learning difficulties, or a cluster of such issues). Where there is domestic abuse and violence towards a carer, the needs of the child may be neglected. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:

Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)

Protect a child/young person from physical and emotional harm or danger

Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate caregivers)

Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment
This may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child/young person’s basic emotional needs.

6.6  Additional Information – Traditionally, the above four categories of child abuse have been recognised in literature; however, more recently, the categories of child abuse have been extended by some experts, for example the NSPCC describes 12 categories of child abuse as:

  • Domestic abuse – witnessing domestic abuse is child abuse, and teenagers can suffer   domestic abuse in their relationships.
  • Sexual abuse – a child is sexually abused when they are forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities. This doesn’t have to be physical contact, and it can happen online
  • Neglect – an ongoing failure to meet a child’s basic needs. It’s dangerous and children can suffer serious and long-term harm.
  • Online abuse – any type of abuse that happens on the Web, whether through social networks, playing online games or using mobile phones.
  • Physical abuse – deliberately hurting a child causing injuries such as bruises, broken bones, burns or cuts.
  • Emotional abuse – children who are emotionally abused suffer emotional maltreatment or neglect. It’s sometimes called psychological abuse and can cause children serious harm.
  • Child Sexual Exploitation – a type of sexual abuse in which children are sexually exploited for money, power or status.
  • Female Genital Mutilation – the partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.
  • Bullying and cyberbullying – bullying can happen anywhere – at school, at home or online. It’s usually repeated over a long period of time and can hurt a child both physically and emotionally.
  • Child trafficking – a type of abuse where children are recruited, moved or transported, and then exploited, forced to work or sold.
  • Grooming – children and young people can be groomed online or in the real world, by a stranger or by someone they know – for example a family member, friend or professional.
  • Harmful sexual behaviour – children and young people who develop harmful sexual behaviour harm themselves and others.

6.7 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 states that “safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children” means the process of:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment (i.e. abuse or neglect).
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health and development.
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • Undertaking that role so as to enable children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.

6.8 “Child Protection” is part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. The term “child protection” refers to the activity which is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.

7 Roles and Responsibilities

  1. 7.1  Directors responsibilities include but not limited to:
    • Communicating clearly the school’s safeguarding policy and procedures to all members of the school community in contract and website.
    • Ensuring safe recruitment practice is followed when recruiting for posts
    • Ensuring appropriate action is taken when an allegation is made against a member of faculty or team.
    • Ensuring all appropriate checks are made in relation to all faculty, volunteers and visitors.
    • Ensuring that all Faculty/Team are made aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to this policy.
    • Ensuring that all Faculty/Team have read the policy and are aware of what actions they need to take
    • Identifying and providing any additional training and support needs required by Faculty/Team to enable them to perform their duties as defined in this policy
    • Monitoring periodically, Faculty/Team awareness of their roles in relation to this policy
    • Following other appropriate procedures, simultaneously where necessary e.g.disciplinary procedures, complaints and incident reporting.
    • Ensuring all staff receive adequate safeguarding supervision considering the vulnerabilities and risks for children.

7.2  Designated Safeguarding Lead (& Deputy) responsibilities include:

    • Ensuring all staff are aware of the DSL and deputy contact details and acting as a point of contact.
    • Referring cases of suspected abuse to the local authority children’s social care as required.
    • Supporting Faculty/Team who make referrals to local authority children’s social care.
    • Keeping detailed, accurate, secure written records of concerns and referrals.
    • Being familiar with relevant data protection legislation and regulations, especially the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Referring cases to the Channel programme where there is a radicalisation concern as required.
  • Supporting Faculty/Team who make referrals to the Channel programme.
  • Referring cases where a person is dismissed or left due to risk/harm to a child to the Disclosure and Barring Service as required.
  • Referring cases where a crime may have been committed to the police as required.
  • Liaising with the Directors to inform of issues – especially ongoing enquiries under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 and police investigations.
  • As required, liaising with the designated officer(s) at the local authority for child protection concerns in cases which concern a staff member.
  • Liaising with Faculty/Team (especially pastoral support staff, IT technicians, and SENCOs, or the named person with oversight for SEN) on matters of safety and safeguarding (including online and digital safety) and, when deciding whether to make a referral, liaising with relevant agencies.
  • Acting as a source of support, advice and expertise for all staff.
  • Understanding the assessment process for providing early help and statutory intervention, including local criteria for action and Leeds City Council children’s social care referral arrangements.
  • Having a working knowledge of how local authorities conduct a child protection case conference and a child protection review conference and being able to attend and contribute to these effectively when required to do so.
  • Ensuring each member of Faculty/Team has access to, and understands, the conservatoires or college’s child protection policy and procedures, especially new and part-time Faculty/Team members are alert to the specific needs of children in need, those with special educational needs and young carers.

7.3 Individual responsibilities include:

  • All Faculty/Team should actively safeguard and promote the welfare of children
  • All Faculty/Team need to understand their role in identifying emerging problems and to share information with other professionals to support early identification and assessment
  • All Faculty/Team should know the Designated and Deputy Safeguarding Lead’s name and contact details including telephone numbers and email.
  • All Faculty/Team, in particular, be alert to the potential need for early help for a child who is disabled and has specific additional needs; has special educational needs; is a young carer; is showing signs of engaging in anti-social or criminal behaviour; is in a family circumstance presenting challenges for the child, such as substance abuse, adult mental health problems and domestic violence; has returned home to their family from care; and/or is showing early signs of abuse and/or neglect.
  • All staff will attend all relevant training and development provided by Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP if asked to do so and be aware of all their responsibilities in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020.
  • Concerns that children are at risk of, or suffering from, child abuse or neglect must be discussed with a senior member of staff. Reasons for the concern and actions taken should be documented and filed accordingly with Admin.
  • Any decisions taken not to share information with other agencies regarding a child potentially experiencing harm or neglect should be clearly documented in the student files at Head Office
  • All Faculty/Team should seek safeguarding supervision when they have concerns for vulnerabilities and risks to children.
  • Professionals working in universal services have a responsibility to identify the symptoms and triggers of abuse and neglect, to share that information and work together to provide children and young people with the help they need.
  • What should you do if you are worried about a child? 

Do not minimise your concerns or assume someone else will do something. Do discuss your concerns with your DSL.  If necessary, consult a member of the relevant Leeds City Council Safeguarding Children Team.

7.4 The Governing Body responsibilities include:

  • Receiving any allegations made against a Director/Partner.
  • Holding the Director/Partner to account for implementation of this policy.
  • Assessing the impact of this policy in keeping children safe.
  • Contributing any local, contextual information that may support children’s safety and welfare
  • Receiving and considering regular reports from the Partners or DSL about the effectiveness of Safeguarding and Child Protection at the school.
  • Reviewing training to ensure that staff have the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to keep all children safe
  • Regularly reviewing this policy, ensuring it complies with all law, regulation and good practice
  • Ensuring all Governors are familiar with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020.

8. Early Intervention Pupil Behaviour 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will always aim to maintain a safe and calm environment by expecting good behaviour from our pupils in line with their agreement. We are aware that any physical response from a member of staff to a pupil’s poor behaviour could lead to a child protection concern being raised by the child or parent/carer.

      • No member of staff will use force when dealing with a pupil’s breach of our behaviour policy unless the potential consequences of not physically intervening are sufficiently serious to justify such action.
      • We will always record any occasion when physical intervention has been necessary.
      • We will always notify parents or carers of any such incident.
        Student Attendance should also be monitored carefully.

9. Responding to Concerns From a Child

9.1 All Directors, faculty and team members acting in a pastoral capacity must:

    • Listen to what the child is saying without interruption and without asking leading questions.
    • Respect the child’s right to privacy but not promise confidentiality.
    • Reassure the child that they have done the right thing in telling them.
    • Explain to the child that, in order to keep them safe from harm, the information that has been shared must be passed on when relevant. 
    • Report what was has been disclosed to the DSL in the school
    • Record, as soon as is practicable, what was said using the child’s actual words.
    • Sign and date the record and record the concern in college incident book or the relevant student file kept at head office.

9.2 The DSL will:

    • Assess any urgent medical needs of the child.
    • Consider whether the child has suffered, or is likely to suffer, significant harm.
    • Check whether the child is currently subject to a Child Protection Plan or has been previously subject to a CPP, or a Child in Need plan.
    • Confirm whether any previous concerns have been raised by faculty or team.
    • Consider whether the matter should be discussed with the child’s parents or carers or whether to do so may put the child at further risk of harm because of delay or the parent’s possible actions or reactions.
    • Seek advice from Leeds City Council if unsure that a child protection referral should be made.

10. Allegations Against Members of Staff.

10.1  Any allegation of abuse made against a member of staff (including Directors supply teachers, support staff and volunteers) in relation to a pupil must immediately be brought to the attention of one of the Directors/Partners and, where appropriate, the DSL. A Director/Partner will act in a co-ordinating role if not implicated.

10.2  Should a Director/Partner be the subject of the allegation, the DSL or deputy DSL will immediately report to other Directors or relevant body to establish (as outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020) “the nature, content and context of the allegation” and agree the appropriate course of action. In some cases, allegations may be so serious that they will require immediate intervention by the police and/or children’s social care services.

10.3  If the allegation against a member of faculty/team (including supply teachers, support faculty, sub-contractors and volunteers) meets any of the following criteria, A Director (or other lead person) must report it to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) the same day:

  • They have behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child
  • They possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child
  • They have behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children.
  • They’ve behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates he/she is unsuitable to work with children.

10.4  For other allegations, a Director and DSL will decide if further enquiries are required prior to referral to the Local Authority Designated Officer.


10.5  Where a Director considers that a referral may be warranted under Child Protection Procedures and an allegation appears to meet the criteria, the Director will inform the LADO who can consult the police and children’s social care professionals as appropriate.

10.6  The LADO should also be informed of any allegations that are made directly to the police or to children’s social care.

10.7  All alleged physical injuries must be investigated by the appropriate external agencies.

10.8  Where appropriate Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will inform ISTD, BDQT or another of their business partners of the allegation and actions taken, within the required timescale.

11. Procedures

11.1 There are four key steps to follow to help all staff identify and respond
appropriately to possible abuse and/or neglect.

    • If an incident occurs or is suspected, all staff should take personal responsibility for reporting the allegation and not assume that somebody else will take action/share information that might be critical in keeping children safe
    • The DSL or deputy DSL must be informed of the allegation, who will report this to a Director or, if the allegation is against a Director , to the other Directors/Partners or admin.
    • The DSL or Deputy DSL will ensure the allegation is acted on within the school day
    • It may not always be appropriate to go through all four stages sequentially. If a child is in immediate danger or is at risk of harm, staff should refer to children’s social care and/or the police and inform the DSL. Before doing so, staff should try to establish the basic facts. However, it will be the role of social workers and the police to investigate cases and make a judgement on whether there should be a statutory intervention and/or a criminal investigation
    • Staff should record, in writing, all concerns and discussions about a child’s welfare, the decisions made and the reasons for those decisions.

12. Monitoring and Reviewing

12.1  The DSL will continually monitor Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP child protection and safeguarding practices and bring to the notice of the Directors and any weaknesses, deficiencies or required changes.

12.2  The Governing Body has a duty to remedy any weaknesses that are identified.

12.3. Monthly Verbal reports to the Directors outlining the child protection and safeguarding work undertaken by Renaissance Arts during the term.

12.4  The Directors and Designated Staff will work together on any aspect of Safeguarding and Child Protection that is identified as an area for development over the coming year.

12.5  The Policy will be reviewed annually with Directors’ approval.

  • This Policy was reviewed by Neil Rigg on 7th March 2022 by Director Neil Rigg
  • The Policy was revised by Neil Rigg on 16th January 2024 by Director Neil Rigg


1. Purpose and scope

This policy provides a framework for ensuring that Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP meets its obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and associated legislation [1] (‘data privacy legislation’).

It applies to all processing of personal data carried out for a college purpose, irrespective of whether the data is processed on non-college equipment or by third parties in our association.

‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identifiable living individual who can be identified from that data or from that data and other data. ‘Processing’ means anything that is done with personal data, including collection, storage, use, disclosure and deletion.

More stringent conditions apply to the processing of special category personal data.

‘Special category’ means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, data concerning health or data concerning an individual’s sexual orientation.

This policy does not cover the use of personal data by members of the conservatoire when acting in a private or non-work capacity.

[1] This includes all legislation enacted in the UK in respect of the protection of personal data as well as the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.

2. Background

The processing of personal data underpins almost everything the college does. Without it, students cannot be admitted and taught; faculty and co-workers cannot be recruited; living individuals cannot be researched; and events cannot be organised for alumni or visitors.

We are responsible for handling people’s most personal information. By not handling personal data properly, we could put individuals at risk.

There are also legal, financial and reputation risks for the college. For example:

  • If we are not able to demonstrate that we have robust systems and processes in place to ensure we use personal data properly we might lose our ability to carry out research projects requiring access to personal data, particularly in the medical field.
  • Reputation damage from a breach may affect public confidence in our ability to handle personal information.
  • The Information Commissioners Office (ICO), which enforces data privacy legislation, has the power to fine organisations up to 4% of global annual turnover for serious breaches. The College take out annual insurance with the ICO and carry out annual adits of information. ICO REF:- ZA465282

3. Principles

The processing of personal data must comply with data privacy legislation and, in particular, the six data privacy principles.

In summary, they require that personal data is:

  • processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner;
  • used only for limited, specified stated purposes and not used or disclosed in any way incompatible with those purposes;
  • adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary;
  • accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date;
  • not kept for longer than necessary; and
  • kept safe and secure.

In addition, a new accountability principle requires us to be able to evidence compliance with these principles.

4. Aims and commitments

Renaissance Arts handles a large amount of personal data and takes seriously its responsibilities under data privacy legislation. It recognises that the mishandling of an individual’s personal data may cause them distress or put them at risk of identity fraud. As a result, it is committed to:

  • complying fully with data privacy legislation;
  • where practicable, adhering to good practice, as issued by the ICO or other appropriate bodies; and
  • handling an individual’s personal data in a careful and considerate manner that recognises the importance of such information to their privacy and welfare.

The conservatoire seeks to achieve these aims by:

  • ensuring that staff, students and other individuals who process data for the conservatoires purposes are made aware of their individual responsibilities under data privacy legislation and how these apply to their areas of work. For example, employment contracts include a clause drawing the attention of the contractors to data privacy legislation and the colleges data protection policy;
  • Providing suitable training, guidance and advice when required. The Colleges online training is supplemented by bespoke on-site training, where appropriate, along with regular talks and presentations at College. We also currently teach Data Privacy as part of ISTD DDE unit 1 training.
  • We investigate any suspected breach of data privacy legislation; reporting it, where necessary, to the ICO; and seeking to learn any lessons from the incident in order to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

5. Roles and responsibilities

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The DPO is responsible for monitoring internal compliance, advising on the colleges data protection obligations and acting as a point of contact for individuals and the ICO.

Vice Chancellor’s and Registrar’s Office: Information Compliance Team

The Directors/Partners are ultimately responsible for:

  • Establishing and maintaining policies and procedures at a central level to facilitate the colleges compliance with data privacy legislation;
  • Establishing and maintaining guidance and training on data privacy legislation and specific compliance issues when requested;
  • Supporting privacy by design and privacy impact assessments;
  • Responding to requests for advice from departments;
  • Complying with subject access and other rights based requests made by individuals for copies of their personal data;
  • Investigating and responding to complaints regarding data privacy (including requests to cease the processing of personal data); and
  • Keeping records of personal data breaches, notifying the ICO of any significant breaches and responding to any requests that it may make for further information.

In fulfilling these responsibilities, the team may also involve, and draw on support from, representatives from sections, departments and divisions.

6. Breaches of data privacy legislation

The Conservatoire will investigate incidents involving a possible breach of data privacy legislation in order to ensure that, where necessary, appropriate action is taken to mitigate the consequences and prevent a repetition of similar incidents in future. Depending on the nature and severity of the incident, it may also be necessary to notify the individuals affected and/or the ICO. A breach will occur where, for example, personal data is disclosed or made available to unauthorised persons or personal data is used in a way that the individual does not expect.

Incidents involving failures of IT systems or processes must be reported to the Directors/Partners or DPO within 24 hours.

7. Compliance

The Conservatoire regards any breach of data privacy legislation, this policy or any other policy and/or training introduced by the Conservatoire from time to time to comply with data privacy legislation as a serious matter, which may result in disciplinary action. 

Depending on the nature of the breach, an individual may also find that they are personally liable (for example, it can be a criminal offence for a member of the Conservatoire to disclose personal information or trade secrets unlawfully).

8. Further information

Questions about this policy and data privacy matters in general including information security should be directed to the Data Protection Officer at:

9. Review and development

This policy, and supporting guidance, will apply with effect from 1st April 2021. It will be reviewed during the 2021/22 academic year to take into account outstanding ICO guidance and the final form of national legislation underpinning the GDPR and annually respectively. 

Prepared by Renaissance Arts Director Neil Rigg 

Reviewed 14th March 2022

Reviewed and revised again 16th Jan 2024

This policy was created using Oxford University as a template

Policy Statement/Description

Members of the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire community are encouraged to report suspected violations of law or Renaissance Arts Conservatoire policy to a Director or Amin Operative where a Director is unsuitable.

This can be done by e-mail, phone, letter or verbally.  Whichever is most comfortable for those reporting.

Renaissance Arts will protect from retaliation members of the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire community who make good faith reports of suspected violations of law or Conservatoire policy.

Reason for Policy

To encourage all members of the Renaissance Arts community to report suspected violations of law or Conservatoire policy. To provide a mechanism for reporting and investigating suspected violations. To Re-act in a non-retaliation type manner for any member of the Conservatoire community who in good faith voices concerns, seeks advice, files a complaint or grievance, testifies or participates in investigations, compliance reviews, proceedings or hearings, or opposes actual or perceived violations of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire policy or unlawful acts.

Who Must Comply.

All participants of the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire.

All members of the Conservatoire community:

Directors, Faculty, including senior, junior and visiting faculty.

Other salaried and non-salaried academic appointees.

Including post-doctoral fellows, research fellows, and teaching assistants Staff, including salaried exempt workers and hourly non-exempt workers Students, Contractors, including independent contractors, external consultants, workers hired through an outside employment agency, and workers employed on campus through service vendors or self employed.

Official visitors.


Responsibilities and Procedures

Reporting a Concern

An employee (staff or faculty) who has a good faith suspicion of a violation of law or Renaissance Arts Conservatoire policy is encouraged to report the concern promptly to a director or Admin Operator where appropriate. Procedure timelines are in line with the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire Complaints Policy.


Anti-harassment and bullying policy.

Purpose & Scope 

To cover any issues related to anti-harassment and bullying and to meet all statutory requirements.  This policy applies to all learners. 


Our aim is to provide a working environment that respects the rights of each learner and where colleagues treat each other with respect.  Any behaviour that undermines this aim is unacceptable. 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP does not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying under any circumstances. While implementing and upholding the policy it is the duty of all members of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP to understand their responsibility to ensure that harassment does not occur within the conservatoire environment. 

Principles and procedures.

The following procedure has been designed to inform students about the type of behaviour that is unacceptable and provides students who are the victims of harassment and bullying with a means of redress. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will not tolerate harassment or bullying of: 

Service Users


Third parties


Harassment and Definition 

Harassment is unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic (an area covered by discrimination legislation) which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive learning/teaching environment for them. 

Harassment will also occur where a student is treated less favourably because he or she has rejected or refused to submit to sex-based harassment, sexual harassment or gender reassignment harassment.

Where it cannot be established that there was an intention to offend, conduct will only be regarded as violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment if, taking all the circumstances into account, it would be reasonable to come to that conclusion. 

People can be subjected to harassment on a wide variety of grounds. Some examples are: 

  • Sex-based (purely because of gender) or sexual (sexual in nature) 
  • Sexual orientation 
  • Trans-sexualism (gender reassignment) 
  • Being married or a civil partner 
  • Race, nationality, ethnic origin, national origin or skin colour 
  • Disability itself or a reason relating to it 
  • Age 
  • Employment status e.g. part-time, fixed-term 
  • Membership or non-membership of a trade union 
  • Carrying out health and safety duties 
  • Religion or religious beliefs or lack of either 
  • Deeply held personal beliefs or lack of them 
  • Political beliefs 
  • Criminal record 
  • Health e.g. AIDS/HIV sufferers 
  • Physical characteristics 
  • Social class 
  • Willingness to challenge harassment – being ridiculed or victimised for raising a complaint 

Harassment is normally characterised by more than one incident of unacceptable behaviour, particularly if it reoccurs, once it has been made clear by the victim that they consider it offensive. One incident may constitute harassment, however, if it is sufficiently serious. Harassment on any grounds, including the above, will not be tolerated. 

Harassment at work is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010 which underpins this policy.

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP together with the Directors/Partners who fail to take steps to prevent harassment or investigate complaints may be held liable for their unlawful actions and be required to pay damages to the victim, as will the employee who has committed the act of harassment. 

Harassment on any grounds is also a criminal offence, primarily under the “Protection from Harassment Act 1997”. This means that students that suffer harassment may contact the police, in the case of harassment from fellow students or harassment by third parties. Those found guilty face fines or periods of imprisonment of up to two years.

Additionally, a student harassed by another student may sue that individual personally for the damage and distress caused. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP may be held vicariously liable under the Protection from Harassment Act for any harassment perpetrated by a member of faculty or team whenever the behaviour in question is closely connected to the employment relationship. 

Harassment by third parties 

The Equality Act (2010) requires that Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP has a legal responsibility to protect their students from harassment by third party visitors. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP has an obligation to record all incidents of third party harassment. 

Follow-up action by relevant Partners/Directors or Admin Operatives/Team Members will depend upon the outcome of any investigation and / or the perpetrators of the harassment, their employers (if relevant) and the gravity of the incidents. 

For example: 

If the perpetrator is a contractor or service supplier, consideration should be given to making a complaint to the contractor or service supplier about the incidents and / or removing or banning the individual from the site. Depending on the gravity of the incidents, the future relationship with the contractor or supplier may also need to be reviewed. 

In all cases, it is imperative that all the relevant facts and evidence are gathered before communicating with the third party, the employer of the third party or the police (as appropriate). 

If an individual feels they have been a victim of third party harassment they must inform the Safeguarding Officer at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP of all incidents with details of the incident e.g. their name, date, time, details of the harassment, where it occurred, the name of the third party (if known). 

If the Safeguarding Officer is liable in the harassment then the deputy safeguarding officer or a Director should be consulted.  

DSL = Neil Rigg

Deputy DSL = Naomi Foster

Where practical (and possible) inform the third party that the Company does not tolerate inappropriate behaviour or harassment and that their actions will be reported.  In such cases learners are advised to be courteous throughout – it is not helpful or advisable to argue with the third party. If the behaviour/harassment persists explain that the behaviour will not be tolerated and leave/cease the conversation. 

Examples of harassment 

Learners must recognise that what is acceptable to one learner may not be acceptable to another. 

Examples of harassment include: 

·       Verbal – crude language, open hostility, offensive jokes, suggestive remarks, innuendoes, rude or vulgar comments, malicious gossip and offensive songs. 

·       Non-verbal – wolf-whistles, obscene gestures, sexually suggestive posters/calendars, pornographic material (both paper-based and generated on a computer, including offensive screensavers), graffiti, offensive letters, offensive e-mails, text messages on mobile phones and offensive objects. 

·       Physical – unnecessary touching, patting, pinching or brushing against another learner’s body, intimidating behaviour, assault and physical coercion. 

·       Coercion – pressure for sexual favours and pressure to participate in political, religious or trade union groups, etc. 

·       Isolation or non-cooperation and exclusion from social activities. 

·       Intrusion – following, pestering, spying, etc. 



Bullying is a gradual wearing down process comprising a sustained form of psychological abuse that makes victims feel demeaned and inadequate. Bullying is defined as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, or an abuse or misuse of power, which has the purpose, or effect of intimidating, belittling and humiliating the recipient, leading to loss of self-esteem for the victim and ultimately self-questioning his or her worth in the learning environment and community as a whole. 

Examples of bullying 

Bullying can range from extreme forms such as violence and intimidation to less obvious actions, like deliberately ignoring someone. These can be split into two categories: 

The obvious: 

·       Shouting or swearing at people in public and private. 

·       Ignoring or deliberately excluding people. 

·       Persecution through threats and instilling fear. 

·       Spreading malicious rumours. 

·       Constantly undervaluing effort. 

·       Spontaneous rages, often over trivial matters. 

The less obvious: 

·       Withholding information or supplying incorrect information. 

·       Deliberately sabotaging or impeding the individual’s capacity to learn effectively. 

·       Setting individuals up to fail by imposing impossible deadlines. 

The actions listed must be viewed in terms of the distress they cause the individual. It is the perceptions of the recipient that determine whether any action or statement can be viewed as bullying. 

The impact of harassment and bullying 

Harassment and bullying can lead to illness, non-attendance, an apparent lack of commitment and a poor learning outcome.

Public image can be badly damaged when incidents of harassment and bullying occur, particularly when they attract media attention. This can result in a loss of customers and affect the reputation of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire llp. 


Any harassment or bullying may be classed as gross misconduct, for which employees may be summarily dismissed. 

All learners should check the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP Website for policy towards harassment and bullying during the learner induction process.  It will be stressed that all complaints of harassment will be treated seriously. 

Renaissance Arts expects all Tutors and Managers to ensure that this policy and procedure is adhered to at all times and expects all learners to respect the dignity of their peers. The policy will be regularly monitored by the Directors to ensure that it is achieving its aims and that Directors, Faculty and learners are confident about its application. 


The Company recognises the sensitive nature of harassment and bullying. Learners who believe they are being harassed or bullied may wish to discuss their situation before deciding what action to take. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP operates an open door policy to discuss workplace problems and learners can discuss the matter with their Tutor, pastoral care or a member of the team on an informal basis unbiased basis.

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP recognises that this may not always be appropriate in the circumstances however, if this is the case, pupils can discuss the situation with pastoral care. 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will:

·       Ensure the conversation remains confidential as far as possible; 

·       Listen empathetically; 

·       Help individuals consider objectively what has happened; 

·       Discuss what outcome the individual would wish to see; 

·       Draw attention to available procedures and options; 

·       Inform the individual of the legal liabilities involved; 

·       Help weigh up the alternatives, but without pressure to adopt any particular course; 

·      Assist the individual in dealing with the situation, if they ask for help. 

Confidentiality will be maintained as far as possible.  Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed if the student/learner is at risk of harm to themself or others. 


It is for the individual to decide which route to take in solving any problem that has occurred. There are two types of solution available – informal and formal. 


If victims would find it difficult or embarrassing to raise the issue directly with the person creating the problem, support can be sought from an intermediary on an informal basis who may be able to provide mediation. 


Where this fails, or serious harassment or bullying occurs, learners can bring a formal complaint in the form of a grievance, with the procedure adapted to take account of the sensitivities of such situations (please refer to the Complaints Policy and Procedure).  Each step and action under the formal complaints procedure will be taken without unreasonable delay. 

Complaints will be investigated with reference to the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP complaint handling procedures while ensuring that the rights of both the alleged victim and the alleged harasser or bully are protected. Learners and witnesses can be assured that they will not be ridiculed or victimised for making, or assisting a learner in making, a complaint, even if it is not upheld, as long as it is made in good faith. Everyone involved in the investigation, including witnesses, will be required to maintain confidentiality – a failure to do so will be a disciplinary matter. 


Where harassment or bullying has been found to have occurred by an employee of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP and the perpetrator remains in employment, regular checks will be made to ensure that harassment has stopped and that there has been no victimisation or retaliation against the victim. Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP will also ensure that the employee who committed the act of harassment or bullying is not victimised in any way. 

Malicious complaints 

Where a complaint is blatantly untrue and has been brought out of spite, or for some other unacceptable motive, the complainant will discontinue their learning and may be banned from the place of delivery, as will any witnesses who have deliberately misled Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP. 

Related Policies 

Please refer to Complaints Policy and Procedure, Equality & Diversity Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy.



Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP currently operates from three locations.

Yorkshire Dance

Northern Ballet

Leeds University Gym (The Edge).

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP work within the health and safety guidelines for these premises and annually check policies, fire regulations  and risk assessments are unto date and relevant. 

Those wishing to see copies of documentation for these buildings can request them from the buildings themselves or request a copy from Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.

This policy is an internal policy created to protect students and faculty from the impact of critical incidents and those manifestations which happen as a result.  For a copy of this policy please write to

Conflict of Interest Policy.

1a. Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to protect the interests of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP. In the regular course of business, agents and employees of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP may have the opportunity to advance their own personal interests with or against the interests of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP. Acting in such a manner is unacceptable and any party who acts outside of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP best interest may be subject to disciplinary action.  To encourage the disclosure and management of actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in order to protect the integrity and reputation of the School and its members. 

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP acknowledges that its members will have various external interests, such as other employment, including consultancy work, charity trusteeships and membership of boards or public bodies. The intention of the policy is not to limit these roles but to ensure that interests are recognised, declared and where any conflicts of interest arise these are appropriately recognised and managed.

1b. Regulation.

Section 175 of the Companies Act 2006, which states, ‘a director of a company must avoid a situation in which they have, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the company.

All of the Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP team have a legal duty to act only in the best interests of the Conservatoire. As such, there is a duty to not put themselves in any position where their duties as an employee or agent may conflict with any personal interest.

  1. Definitions

Employee – any person who is employed by Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP in a part or full-time capacity and in accordance with the labor laws of England including any self employed capacity or business to business service hire.

Agent – an owner, director, stakeholder, contractor or other third-party that is in the position to act on behalf of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP.

Financial Interest – The interest that any individual may have in the monetary transactions of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP. In particular, any interest that could have a direct bearing on the financial gain/loss of said individual.

Conflict of Interests: A conflict of interest arises where there is an actual or potential risk or a perceived conflict in duties between acting in the best interests of the Conservatoire and formal and/or informal commitments, obligations or undertakings to another body/association/ affiliation in relation to the same or related matters;

Conflict of loyalty: Where overlapping personal interests or loyalties could, or be perceived to, prevent an individual from making a decision only in the best interests of the Conservatoire.

Conflict of commitment: where an individual’s engagement in outside professional activity, paid or unpaid, involves a commitment of time that may conflict with their role and obligations to the Conservatoire.

A conflict of interest may relate your own interests or a connected person which means family, relatives or business partner or business in which you hold an interest.

  1. Procedure
    1. Duty to disclose
      Every employee/agent of Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is obligated to disclose any known or potential conflicts of interest as soon as they arise. Failure to do so could result in termination of employment.
    1. Investigating potential conflicts
      When a possible conflict of interest arises, the directors will collect of the pertinent information and may question any concerned parties. If the board determines that a conflict exists, steps will be taken to address to conflict. If no conflict exists, the inquiry may be documented but no further action will be taken.  If in the event that one or more of the Directors are being reported then a meeting should be held with admin staff included and an independant adjudicator as a specially assigned committee/board.
    1. Addressing conflicts of interest
      When an actual conflict of interest is found, any transactions that may have been affected will be reviewed retroactively. Affected parties both within and outside of the business, including shareholders, directors, employees, and contractors will be notified. An investigation will also be conducted by the directors/partners or specially assigned committee/board to determine the extent of the conflict and the intentions of the parties involved.
      If the conflict in question involves a director or members of the specially assigned committee/board, such a member may be excused from the deliberations.
    1. Disciplinary action
      As all conflicts of interest will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, a review may result in disciplinary action. The directors/Partners or specially assigned committee/board has full discretion to deem what disciplinary action is both fitting and necessary, including suspension and/or termination of employment.
  1. Acknowledgement

The employee/agent named below understands the procedure for conflicts of interest with Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP, including their duty to disclose any known or potential conflicts.

Furthermore, the employee/agent/contractor agrees to abide by the procedures outlined in this policy for the duration of their professional relationship with Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP

Avoiding conflicts of interests.

No one should be involved in making decisions in relation to their commitments to the Conservatoire from which they, or anyone with whom they have a close financial or personal relationship, stands to personally benefit. 

In thinking about whether there is any conflict between decisions which they are making, and their own personal interests the common law test for bias is whether a fair-minded and informed observer would have any reason to suspect that an individual’s impartiality might be compromised.

Such considerations apply to a wide range of activities in which conflicts may arise, including, but not restricted to, student admissions, student assessment, disciplinary proceedings, appeals, staff recruitment, staff promotion and remuneration, procurement, and assessing proposed relationships between the Conservatoire and outside parties.

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP Hands On Correction Policy.

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP classes are a physical activity and appropriate physical contact between students and teachers in class is essential to dance training and sometimes vocal/acting training.

Teachers will use their hands, and occasionally a foot or knee, to illustrate a concept to a student or to adjust parts of a student’s body (especially with the younger students). 

Ballet posture (for example) often requires adjusting the rib-cage and the buttock area simultaneously and it is sometimes necessary to touch areas of the body to explain where physical movement should take place. In vocal classes it may be nessercary to explain where the jaw hinge is or the diaphragm.  To explain this it may be a requirement to touch a student.  Permission should be asked before doing so. 

In pas-de-deux classes or advanced movement classes teachers will be demonstrating with students in ways which will involve supporting and lifting. In choreographic teaching, teachers demonstrate positions and movements to the students by moving parts of the students’ bodies and by moving dancers in relation to each other: this often involves a good deal of contact with students.

Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP recognises that such physical contact is a potentially complex area; and the conservatoire also fully recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding students and teachers and for protecting their welfare.

The following principles and procedures are in place to fulfil the conservatoire’s obligations:

a) Contact by the teacher is made with particular awareness of the needs of each individual, to assist the young dancer in correcting placement/alignment. 

b) All teachers will treat any physical contact with due sensitivity and care.

c) Contact will not involve force or the use of any instrument.

d) Teachers will be mindful of location and avoid situations where they are isolated with a student;

e) All classes should be held in studios, dance areas or allocated training areas. 

f) Teachers and students should feel free to report any concerns to any member of    faculty, the pastoral team or admin team. 

f) Intention should be clear. 

Further Information.

When teaching posture and correct placing, it may be entirely appropriate to use physical touch to cue the correct pattern of movement. In these cases, a teacher should consider how to approach someone.

Treating young people with respect and dignity would suggest that permission should always be sought before we touch.

The teacher must consider carefully the desired outcome of touching the student and be very aware of the potential for misunderstandings.

Other complex factors to be aware of could include specific cultural implications of touching, invasion of personal space and having an awareness of an individual’s background. 

We are committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. This statement illustrates the steps Renaissance Arts are taking to make sure modern slavery is not taking place in the working environment.

When sourcing equipment and supplies, suppliers are scrutinised to minimise any risk of slavery and trafficking in supply chains.

When sourcing college premises, performance venues and studios, companies are scrutinised to check compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.

Ensuring our contracts contain the ability to terminate the arrangement with our suppliers/clients should they breach the Act or not comply to our satisfaction.

We will continue to reassess our employment practices and procedures to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact subject heading: Slavery/Trafficking Concern.

On behalf of the directors

Director Neil Rigg

Teaching Methods Policy


Teachers at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP are chosen for their extensive teaching experience within the performing arts, recognised as proven experts in their respective fields and acclaimed professionals within the industry, ensuring a high standard of education.

Variety of Teaching Approaches:

Teaching methods at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP are diverse, catering to the multifaceted nature of the performing arts. This includes a professional group environment with an individual focus. Individual guidance and informative direct feedback throughout the program assist each performer in developing a greater understanding of their performance, nurturing growth and progress. A dynamic and industry-led pre-vocational approach prepares students to become technically accomplished, assertive, and independent in their performances, establishing a strong and consistent foundation for auditions and other educational institutions.

Legal Framework:

This policy aligns with parliamentary laws emphasising equal treatment and non-discrimination in educational institutions. It adheres to legal standards promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Individualised Attention:

While a direct approach may seem like singling out individuals, 1:1 focus is essential for corrections, not humiliation. Acknowledging the challenge of group dynamics, individual guidance is aimed at constructive correction rather than embarrassment. In any instance where a student feels embarrassed, overwhelmed, or experiences a misunderstanding, it’s important to have a detailed conversation to gain more understanding and achieve positive resolution.

Educational Guidance:

This policy adheres to educational guidance emphasising the importance of personalised attention for addressing individual needs. It aligns with educational principles that advocate for a positive and supportive learning environment.

Holistic Approach:

Other teaching methods involve a holistic approach, focusing on students’ creativity and personalities. Techniques, theories, physicality, and creative contexts are explored to cater to diverse learning preferences, ensuring students become well-rounded performers.

Industry Alignment:

This policy aligns with industry standards, recognising that auditions and the industry itself demand a mix of firmness and nurturing. It prepares students for the challenges they may face in their professional journeys.

Collective Learning Environment:

At Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP teachers work collectively, offering various methods to facilitate a well-rounded learning environment. This approach prepares students for different aspects of the performing arts industry.

Experienced Faculty:

Teachers at Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP boast years of teaching and industry experience. Many students taught by them are now thriving as professionals in the industry or have become teachers themselves.

Quality Assurance:

This policy adheres to quality assurance standards, ensuring that teaching methods align with the institution’s goals and learning expectations, providing a high-quality education for aspiring performing artists.


Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is committed to maintaining a dynamic, supportive, and industry-relevant teaching environment, nurturing growth and development, preparing students for futures within the performing arts and other fields.


Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLP is willing to provide written graduate testimonials upon request, emphasising the importance of a balanced and supportive learning environment and Renaissance Arts Conservatoire LLPs methodology in teaching.